Senior Pastor

Name: Pierre Rosa

Family: Wife - Denise; Children - Julia


Education: Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies - Biblical Studies and Business Administration, San Diego Christian College; Master of Divinity, Southern California Seminary; Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Personal Testimony: I heard the gospel for the first time at the age of fifteen, when a friend invited me to a youth rally in São Paulo, in my native Brazil. Until that day, I had been under the impression I could earn my place in heaven by good works. During that sermon, God convinced me that I was sinner and fell short of His glory (Romans 3:23). I came to Jesus in repentance and faith. He saved me by his grace, and gave me renewed hope.   

Philosophy of Ministry: My goal in life is to produce, prepare, and promote disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).   

What is the most important part of your Ministry?  Because every believer has been commissioned to make disciples of Christ, I am honored to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:4).  I get to do this from the pulpit, by preaching God’s Word every week (2 Timothy 4:2). I also get to shepherd the flock of God among us in Salem, Oregon (1 Peter 5:2).


Assistant Pastor

Name: Bob Mathisen

Family: Wife - Diane; Children - Jeff, Jay and Jill; nine grandchildren

Education: Bachelor of Arts in History, Bryan College; Master of Arts in History, University of Tennessee; Master of Arts in Political Science, Ball State University; Doctor of Arts in History, Illinois State University

Personal Testimony: After accepting Christ as my personal Savior at the age of twelve while attending a summer Bible camp, I was nurtured in the Scriptures in my church prior to attending a three-year Bible institute which firmly grounded me in the essential biblical truths.   

Philosophy of Ministry: My ministry at Grace Baptist Church is to be patterned after the words of Jesus who proclaimed that He came “not to be served, but to serve.” (Matt. 20:28) There can be no greater motivation for a servant of Christ than these words.  

What is the most important part of your Ministry?  The most important part of my ministry at Grace Baptist Church is to respond to the total needs of the people who have been entrusted to my care—be they spiritual, material, or emotional in nature. This will result in my obedience to the greatest of the commandments—“Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 12:28-31)

Associate Pastor of Youth Ministries

Name: Jonsey Hendrix 

Family: Wife - Natalie; Children - Paisley, Ethan

Education: Bachelor of Science in Ministry, Corban University; Master of Arts in Christian Leadership, Corban University

Personal Testimony: I accepted Christ at a VBS at my aunt and uncle’s Church when I was young. From there, my devotion and church attendance were questionable until I reached High School. Through God's providence, a missionary and youth pastor invested in my life to show me the glory of a life lived for God. From that point on I have strived to grow to be more like Christ and serve Him in all I do.

Ministry Philosophy: The role of the youth ministry team is to challenge and equip churched kids to grow a deeper and more active relationship with Christ. It encourages evangelism through outreach events and peer to peer evangelism designed to communicate the Gospel and the need for it to those who have never heard. Biblical teaching with a strong emphasis on practical application sets the standard, while prayer is the power source that keeps the ministry running.

What is the most important part of your ministry? I believe God has put me here so that, through my efforts, youth would come to have a deeper relationship with Him. We serve a great and glorious God that has lavished all blessings on us and we must respond with true devotion to Him in all we do. 


Executive Pastor

Name: Brian Schmidt

Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Corban University; Master of Management, Willamette University

Personal Testimony: God reached out to me when I was very young because He knew my heart would harden with each passing moment. So, I accepted Christ after a Sunday School teacher explained that I was a sinner (which I knew full well, even at age 3) and that I had a choice to accept Christ as my Savior and go to heaven or reject His offer of salvation made possible on the cross and go to an eternity in hell. That wasn’t a hard choice, but it’s made all the difference in my life ever since.

Ministry Philosophy: Paul told the Corinthian church that, “...all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.” So, my role is to make every ministry in our church successful by tending to the business and organizational mechanics of the church, making sure they run smoothly and effectively. If I’m doing my job right, no one will even notice me. If I’m successful, there should be a clear understanding of how we are effectively accomplishing our God-given mission within the constraints of our temporal world.

What is the most important part of your ministry? It’s easy to think that simplifying complex ideas and creating clarity through detailed policies might rank high in my ministry, and they do. But people are the most important part of my ministry. If I allow God to transform my heart, I will love and serve the people around me just like Jesus did. That’s when ministry happens.

Director of Children’s Ministries

Name: Melanie Pinkerton

Family: Husband - Chuck; Children - Meredith, Jeremiah, Elizabeth, and Sarah

Education: Bachelor of Science in Education, Corban University

Personal Testimony: I was raised in a Christ-centered home and cannot remember a time that I didn’t know about God and the importance of following Him. There was, however, a distinct point in time when I knew that I had sinned and that I, personally, had need of God’s grace and forgiveness. When I was 5 years old, hiding in a closet and hoping to avoid the consequences of my recent actions, I prayed the sinner’s prayer - confessing my need for salvation (both eternal and temporal) and asking Jesus to be the Lord of my life. I didn’t avoid the well-deserved earthly discipline that resulted from my behavior, but I am glad to say that from that day forward I have rested secure in the knowledge that the eternal price for my sin has been paid in full and I look forward to spending eternity with Christ in heaven.

Ministry Philosophy: My ministry is built on a deep love for children and these foundational beliefs:

  • I believe that the church is a community - one that is cross-generational and committed to staying together through highs and lows. It is one of the most important communities we can develop.

  • Children are an essential part of the church and God’s kingdom.

  • I want kids to grow up loving and serving God through the local church.

  • Children’s Ministry is an important part of building a strong foundation of faith. I want our students to be introduced to life-changing Biblical truth and refine their understanding the essential components of Christianity.

  • Our ministry is most successful when we work hand in hand with families (whenever possible) and come alongside parents with encouragement, guidance, and support. 

It is my desire that kids grow up with the understanding that this church is, in fact, their church; that they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility and develop a true sense of joy in being a part of the church family.


God has established the office of elder (2 Timothy 3:14-15) to provide continuity and leadership for His Church. At Grace Baptist Church the role of elder is primarily filled by the Senior Pastor and certain Associate/Assistant Pastors (vocational elders). The Senior Pastor has called additional lay elders from the congregation as needed. This is the model seen in Titus 1:5 and Acts 14:23. These men have dedicated themselves to faithfully shepherding the flock and following God's leading for ministry at our church (1 Peter 5:2-3).

Jon “Pete” Peterson

Pete grew up on the Oregon coast and it was there he accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. As he tells it, “I was about eight years old when my best friend, Steve, invited me to church. One Sunday, an evangelist spoke. I was “there” but not there until he upped the volume and declared, ‘All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God!’ I sort of heard that and knew that included me, even though by most accounts I was a ‘good’ boy. His next statement got my full attention. He shouted, ‘The wages of sin is DEATH!!’ The capper came in a quiet voice: John 3:16. I mulled that over for about a week and finally, all alone, playing with my toy trucks at an old logging site, I bowed my head and asked Jesus to come into my heart and save this poor little sinner. I told no one but Steve and received no counsel or direction, but looking back I can see God’s hand on my life.“

It was Pete’s future wife, Lois, who encouraged Pete to grow in his faith - especially if he had any thoughts of marriage that included her! God used that to confirm Pete’s salvation and spur him on to maturity. They were married a few years later. As a couple, Pete and Lois became youth group leaders in their local church. Over the years, they each taught Sunday School, and Lois was actively involved with Women’s Ministries. Pete went on to serve as a trustee and elder while they were members of a Baptist church in McMinnville, Oregon.

After a long and challenging career, Pete retired and eventually, in 2017, he and Lois settled in Salem, where God brought them to Grace. That included serving, once again. Given his obvious proven record of spiritual maturity and his biblical qualifications, Pastor Pierre called Pete as a lay elder in 2023 and the congregation affirmed this call at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

Pete’s experience, maturity, and godliness make him a great addition to the elder board as, together, we shepherd the flock of God here at Grace.